Featured Madrina 

Eva Bonilla

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Eva Bonilla has been a Madrina for four years, and says she became a Madrina to help raise awareness for heart disease in her community.

“There isn’t enough publicity and focus on heart disease. And that’s the number one killer.” Eva says.

Eva wanted to get the word out in the Latino community, which has more chronic diseases than other communities. Her favorite part of Vestido Rojo is how it empowers and engages with the Latino community, reaching more and more women every year.

“My table, at least eighty percent of them, it’s their first time to attend.” Eva says.

Eva stays healthy by watching her diet and making it her personal goal to go on more brisk walks, but she stresses the importance of personalizing your own health plan. “I know my own body. You have to know your body and work out your own routine that is attainable by you.”

Eva says her sister is one of her whys. Her sister has had triple bypass and struggles with heart disease. “I’ve nearly lost her a couple of times.” she says, “I wanted her to live longer and stronger.”

Eva’s second why is to one day meet her grandkids. 

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